

邱夷平,1955年7月出生。纺织学院纺织材料与纺织品设计系教授、博士生导师。主要荣誉有:是Gamma Sigma Delta 全美荣誉协会会员;2004美国机械工程师学会服务奖;入选上海市领军人才“地方队”后备队;上海市浦江人才计划结题优秀;第六届香港另版挂牌网站“我心目中的好老师”;2007年上海市科教系统“比翼双飞模范佳侣”。主要获奖有指导博士生:姚澜、徐荷澜、许福军,上海市科创杯一等奖:基于三维正交机织物的共形承载微带天线结构的研究。












1、“三维机织物为基础的微带天线系统结构设计和性能研究,”国家863计划项目, 项目负责人,总经费60万。2007年12月-2010年11月。





  1. Yao, L., Wang, X., Liang, F., Wu, R., Feng, Y., Hu, B. and Qiu, Y. Modeling and experimental verification of dielectric constants of 3D woven composites, Composites Science and Technology.68: 1794–1799 (2008) (SCI&EI)

  2. Cai, Z. and Qiu, Y. Dyeing properties of wool fabrics treated with atmospheric pressure plasmas, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 109(2): 1257-1261 (2008) (SCI&EI)

  3. Wang, C. Xu, H. Liu, Y. and Qiu, Y. Influence of Twist and Filament Location in a Yarn on Effectiveness of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Treatment of Filament Yarns, Surface & Coatings Technology, 202: 2775–2782 (2008) (SCI&EI).

  4. Ren, Y. Wang, C. and Qiu, Y. Aging of Surface Properties of Ultra High Modulus Polyethylene Fibers Treated with He/O2 Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet, Surface & Coatings Technology, 202: 2670–2676 (2008) (SCI&EI).

  5. Wang, X., Hu, B., Feng, Y., Liang, F., Mo, J., and Qiu, Y. Low Velocity Impact Properties of 3D Woven Basalt/Aramid Hybrid Composites,Composites Science and Technology. 68: 444-450 (2008) (SCI&EI).

  6. Wang, C., Zhu, L. and Qiu, Y. Laser scanning confocal microscope characterization of dye diffusion in nylon 6 fibers treated with atmospheric pressure plasmas, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 107: 1471-1478 (2008) (SCI&EI)

  7. Cai,Z. and Qiu, Y. Effect on the anti-felt properties of atmospheric pressure plasma treated wool. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 107: 1142-1146 (2008) (SCI&EI)

  8. Ji, C., Sun, B., Qiu, Y., Gu, B. Impact damage of 3D orthogonal woven composite circular plates. Applied Composite Materials. 14:243-262 (2007) (SCI&EI)

  9. Wang C., Lv, X., Liu, Y., Ge, L., Ren, Y. and Qiu Y., Influence of temperature and relative humidity on aging of atmospheric plasma jet treatment effect on ultrahigh-modulus polyethylene fibers, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 21: 1513-1527(2007) (SCI&EI)

  10. Wang, C., Ren, Y., Qiu, Y. Penetration depth of surface modification into multiple polyester fabrics, Surface and Coatings Technology, 202: 77–83 (2007) (SCI&EI)

  11. Ren, Y., Wang, C. and Qiu Y. Influence of Aramid Fiber Moisture Regain during Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment on Aging Behavior of the Treatment Effects. Applied Surface Science. 253: 9283-9289 (2007) (SCI&EI).

  12. Liu, Y., Xu, H., Ge, L., Wang, C., Han, L., Yu, H. and Qiu, Y. Influence of environmental moisture on atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment of ultrahigh-modulus polyethylene fibers, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 21(8): 663-676 (2007) (SCI&EI)

  13. Yao L., Li W., Wang N., Li W., Guo X., and Qiu Y.,Tensile, impact and dielectric properties of three dimensional orthogonal aramid/glass fiber hybrid composites. Journal of Materials Science, 42:6494-6500 (2007) (SCI&EI)

  14. Luo YS, Lv LH, Sun BZ , Qiu YP, Gu BH. Transverse impact behavior of 3D orthogonal hybrid woven composite. Composite Structures. 81:202-209 (2007). (SCI&EI)

  15. Zhu, L., Wang, C. and Qiu, Y. Influence of moisture regain on atmospheric pressure plasma treatment effect of nylon fibers, Surface and Coatings Technology, 201: 7453–7461 (2007) (SCI&EI)

  16. Guo, X., Li, W., and Qiu Y. Effect of the strain rate on compression loading of 3D woven composites in three directions. Pigment and Resin Technology. 36, 39-43 (2007) (SCI&EI)

  17. Wang C. and Qiu Y. Two sided modification of wool fabrics by atmospheric pressure plasma jet: influence of processing parameters on plasma penetration, Surface and Coatings Technology, 201: 6273-6277 (2007) (SCI&EI)

  18. Lv, L., Sun, S., Qiu, Y., Gu, B. Energy absorptions and failure modes of 3D orthogonal hybrid woven composite struck by flat-ended rod. Polymer Composites, 27: 410-416 (2006) (SCI&EI)

  19. Liu, L., Jiang, Q., Zhu, T., Guo, X., Sun, Y., Guan, Y. and Qiu, Y. Influence of moisture regain of aramid fibers on the effects of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment on improving adhesion with epoxy. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 102: 242-247 (2006) (SCI&EI)

  20. Ji, F., Li, R. and Qiu, Y. 3D garment simulation based on a mass-spring system. Textile Research Journal. 76: 12 – 17 (2006) (SCI&EI)

  21. Ji, F., Li, R. and Qiu, Y. Simulate the draping behavior of woven & knitted fabrics. Journal of Industrial Textiles; 35: pp201-215 (2006) (EI)

  22. Cai, Z. and Qiu, Y. The mechanism of air/oxygen/helium atmospheric plasma action on PVA. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 99(5), pp2233-2237 (2006) (SCI&EI)

  23. Ji, F., Li, R. and Qiu, Y. Drape simulation of woven fabrics using a mass-spring system, Journal of the Textile Institute, Vol.96,No.6,pp431-437.(2005)

  24. Shao, X., Wang, Y., Qiu, Y., Theoretical modeling of the tensile behavior of low-twist staple yarns: Part I. Theoretical model, Journal of the Textile Institute. 96 (2), 61-68 (2005)

  25. Shao, X., Wang, Y., Qiu, Y., Theoretical modeling of the tensile behavior of low-twist staple yarns: Part II. Experiment and discussion, Journal of the Textile Institute. 96 (2), 69-76 (2005)

  26. Cai, Z., Jiang, G., and Qiu, Y. Chemical modification of bombyx mori silk with epoxide EPSIB, Journal of Applied Polymer Science,91(6) pp3579-3586 (2004). (SCI&EI)

  27. Baucom, J.N., Zikry, M.A., Qiu, Y. Dynamic and quasi-static failure evolution of 3d woven cellular composite systems,Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 23(5) pp471-481 (2004) (SCI&EI).

  28. Cai, Z., Qiu, Y., Hwang, Y., Zhang, C., and McCord, M. The use of atmospheric pressure plasma treatment in desizing pva on viscose fabrics, Journal of Industrial Textiles,32(3) pp223-232 (2003) (EI)

  29. Hwang, Y. J., Qiu, Y., Zhang, C., Jarrard, B., Stedeford, R., Tsai, J., Park, Y. C. and McCord, M. The effects of atmospheric pressure helium plasma treatment on adhesion and mechanical properties of aramid fibers, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology.17(6) pp847-860 (2003). (SCI&EI)

  30. Jensen, C., Zhang, C., and Qiu, Y. The aging of atmospheric plasma treated ultrahigh-modulus polyethylene fibers, Composite Interfaces, 10(2-3) pp277-286 (2003) (SCI&EI)

  31. Cai, Z., Qiu, Y., Zhang, C., Hwang, Y., and McCord, M. Effect of atmospheric plasma treatment on desizing of PVA on cotton, Textile Research Journal, 73(8) pp670-674 (2003). (SCI&EI)

  32. Xu, W., Qiu, Y., Wang, Y. and Mohamed, M., Experimental and numerical analyses on the stiffness of three-dimensional woven carbon preform reinforced cellular matrix composites. Composites Science and Technology. 63 (10): pp1387-1392 (2003). (SCI&EI)

  33. McCord, M.G., Hwang, Y.J., Qiu, Y., Hughes, L.K., and Bourham, M.A. Surface analysis of cotton fabrics fluorinated in radio-frequency plasma, Journal of Applied Polymer Science88(8), pp2038-2047, (2003) (SCI&EI)

  34. Zhang, C. and Qiu, Y. Modified shear-lag model for fibers with irregular cross-sectional shapes, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 17(3), pp397-408 (2003). (SCI&EI)

  35. Cai, Z. and Qiu, Y. The use of an aqueous epoxide in bombyx mori silk fabrics finishing, Textile Research Journal. 73(1), pp42-46 (2003). (SCI&EI)



  • Qiu, Y., Mohamed, M., and Xu, W., 3D Reinforced Cellular Matrix Composite and Method of Making Same, Patent. 2003 February 18; US 6,521,148.


1、姚澜,邱夷平,构成基于三维正交机织物的共形承载微带天线结构的方法,中国发明专利,申请号: 200710036670.9

2、王春霞,滕伟华,邱夷平,一种羊毛织物的防毡缩处理方法,中国发明专利,申请号: 200710046052.2

3、王敏,王熙赢,邱夷平,织造硬质超厚织物用卷取机构,中国发明专利,申请号: 200710047553.2






5、Journal of Industrial Textiles 编委(2003 -现在)

6、Textile Research Journal编委(2007 -现在)




2、北卡罗莱那州立大学机械和航空系客座教授(2003 – 2008)

3、北卡罗莱那州立大学纺织学院助教授,博士生导师(1996 – 2003)

4、美国纤维学会巡回讲座委员会主席(1997-1998), 委员(1993- 1996)

5、美国机械工程师协会纺织工程分会执行委员会主席(2003-2004), 副主席兼秘书长(2002-2003),委员(2001-2002)


7、康乃尔大学中国学生学者联谊会副主席(1988 – 1990)










指导博士后:4 名

指导毕业研究生:博士 6 名 硕士 30 名


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