

侯爱芹,1967年11月出生。纺织化学与染整工程学科研究员。《染料与染色》编辑委员会委员,担任Dyes and Pigment,Coloration Technology, Materials Chemistry and Physics,《纺织学报》等杂志的特约审稿人。






  1. 废丝蛋白的提取改性深加工及其综合利用技术,中国纺织工业联合会科技进步二等奖

  2. 高效少水节能小浴比气雾染色工艺技术,中国纺织工业联合会科技进步三等奖

  3. 无盐染色清洁生产关键技术研究,中国纺织工业联合会科技进步三等奖


  1. 丝素蛋白生物新材料研究及相关产品开发(浙江省重大科技专项)

  2. 含氰基及氟基团的噻唑异噻唑杂环结构染料的耐碱稳定性及光化学性能研究(上海市自然科学基金项目)

  3. 超细纤维系列经编织物新产品染整新技术开发(国家发改委纺织科研专项)

  4. 复合酶的制备及应用研究(科学技术部 国家科技支撑计划项目)

  5. 纺织品无甲醛免烫复合功能整理关键技术(科学技术部 国家科技支撑计划项目)

  6. 液晶材料中含手性碳氟端基染料基元的合成及光化学行为(国家自然科学基金项目)

  7. 无盐染色清洁生产关键技术研究(浙江省重大科技专项)

  8. 影响纺织品复合色牢度机理研究(国家质检总局项目)


  1. Aiqin Hou, Gang Sun. Multifunctional finishing of cotton fabrics with 3,3,4,4-benzophenone tetracarboxylic dianhydride: Reaction mechanism. Carbohydrate Polymers,Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 95, 768-772.

  2. Aiqin Hou, Min Li, et al. One-step dyeing of polyethylene terephthalate fabric, combining pretreatment and dyeing using alkali-stable disperse dyes. Coloration Technology, 2013, 129, 438-442.

  3. Aiqin Hou, Xufang Zhang. Decolorisation of reactive dye wastewater and the effect of surfactants using laccase. Coloration Technology, 2011, 127, 200-204.

  4. Aiqin Hou, Huawei Chen. Preparation and characterization of silk/silica hybrids biomaterials by sol-gel crossing process. Materials Science and Engineering B, 2010, 167, 124-128.

  5. Aiqin Hou, Yunxia Zhou. Preparation and characterization of the hybrids containing silica nanoparticles by sol-gel crosslinking process. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2010, 31(9), 1254-1259.

  6. Aiqin Hou, Si Chen. Preparation of microemulsions of the polysiloxanes modified with different amines and their effect on the color shade of dyed cellulose. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2010, 31(1), 102-107.

  7. Aiqin Hou, Yanhong Yu, Huawei Chen. Uniform dispersion of silica nanoparticles on dyed cellulose surface by sol-gel method. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010, 79, 578-583.

  8. Aiqin Hou, Bo Chen, Jinjin Dai, Kai Zhang. Using supercritical carbon dioxide as solvent to replace water in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fabric dyeing procedures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2010, 18, 1009-1014.

  9. Aiqin Hou, Si Chen, Yunxia Zhou. Self-assembly of the polysiloxane modified with cationic and perfluorocarbon groups on the polyester.Journal ofPolymer Research, 2009, 16, 687-692.

  10. Aiqin Hou, Yaqi Shi. Polymerization and surface active properties amphiphilic polysiloxanes modified with quaternary cationic and long-carbon chain groups. Materials Science and Engineering B, 2009, 163, 99-104.

  11. Aiqin Hou, Yaqi Shi, Yanhong Yu. Preparation of the cellulose/silica hybrid containing cationic group by sol-gel crosslinking process and its dyeing properties. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2009, 77, 201-205.

  12. Aiqin Hou, Minge Zhou, Xiaojun Wang. Preparation and characterization of durable antibacterial cellulose biomaterials modified with triazine derivatives. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2009, 75, 328-332.

  13. Aiqin Hou, Jinjin Dai. The crystal morphology of CI Disperse Blue 79 in supercritical carbon dioxide. Dyes and Pigments, 2009, 82(1), 71-75.


加州大学 戴维斯分校 高级研究学者(1年)

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