

杨东,1968年11月出生。管理学院管理科学与工程学科教授。主要研究成果有:在《Computer-Aided Design》、《Expert Systems with Applications》、《International Journal of Production Research》等SCI国际杂志上发表过学术论文。累计发表学术论文近30篇,其中以第一作者身份发表论文20篇。SCI、EI累计收录论文20篇。其中,SCI收录11篇,EI核心收录11篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目二项,参与多项国家自然科学基金和国家863高科技计划等科研项目。




1、“面向大批量定制的协同商务和集成设计关键技术及实施研究”,2005 年度上海市科学技术进步二等奖(获奖号:2005-071-019,排名第9)。


3、荣获The first Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2006)(第一届亚洲语义网国际会议)的大会最佳论文(Best paper awards)


1、面向我国高档豪华客车的客户可配置系统的建模与产品配置器研究,国家自然科学基金(NO. 70971084),2010.1-2012.12,项目负责人、在研。



1、Dong Yang,Ming Dong; Rui Miao. Development of a product configuration system with ontology-based Approach, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 40(8), pp.863-878, 2008 (SCI Impact factor: 1.446, SCI收录号:IDS-362NX;在SCI引文数据库中他引次数2次).

2、Dong Yang, Rui Miao, Hongwei Wu. Product configuration knowledge modeling using ontology web language,Expert systems with Applications, vol. 36(3): 4399-4411, 2009. (SCI Impact factor: 1.177, SCI收录号:410NJ;在SCI引文数据库中他引次数3次).

3、Dong Yang; Hongwei Wu; Lixin Tong. UML-based approach for the development of shop floor control systems, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 47(6), 2009.(SCI Impact factor: 0.799, SCI收录号:376OG).

4、Yan, Ye, Dong Yang. An ontology-based architecture for implementing semantic integration of supply chain management, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 21(1),1–18, 2008. (Corresponding author. SCI 收录号:IDS Number 250xx;EI收录:074510907080, Impact factor: 0.383; SCI引文数据库中他引次数2次).

5、Yan Ye,Dong Yang. Ontology-based semantic models for supply chain management,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 37(11-12): 1250-1260, 2008.(Corresponding author, SCI收录号:313UI,SCI Impact factor: 0.418;SCI引文数据库中他引次数1次).

6、Ming Dong, Dong Yang,PM2.5 Concentration Prediction Using Hidden Semi-Markov Model based Times Series Data Mining, Expert systems with Applications, vol. 36:9046-9055, 2009. (SCI收录号:427MG,SCI Impact factor: 1.177).

7、Ming Dong, Dong Yang, Optimal decisions in product modularity design using real option approach,Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications, vol.18(1): 31-39, 2010.(SCI收录号:576RO).

8、Dong Yang, Lixin Tong, Yan Ye, Hongwei Wu. Applying CommonKADS and Semantic Web Technologies to Ontology-based E-government Knowledge Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4185, 2006. (SC1 收录号:IDS Number BFE30; EI:064410202450)

9、Yan Ye, Dong Yang, Lixin Tong. A Knowledge- and Workflow-Based System for Supporting Order Fulfillment Process in the Build-to-Order Supply Chains, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4185 (SCI收录号: IDS Number BFE30; EI: 064410202450. Best Paper Awards), 2006.

10、Dong Yang, Lixin Tong, Yan Ye. Supporting Effective Operation of E-governmental Services through workflow and knowledge management,Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4255 ,2006.(SCI收录号: IDS Number BFF81; EI: 065010296985).

11、Dong Yang, Zhang Shen-sheng. Goal-oriented Analysis and Agent-based Design of Agile Supply Chain, Lecture Notes In Computer Science 2642, 2003. (SCI 收录号:IDS Number BX27Q)

12、周义廷,杨东,面向对象的产品配置建模及约束推理研究,计算机集成制造(CIMS), 15(4), 2009。(EI收录号:JJZXFN)

13、伍宏伟,杨东、童立新,基于Petri网的民事诉讼流程建模及评价,清华大学学报,40(9), 1549-1555, 2006.(EI收录号: 064910289513)

14、叶艳、杨东,基于Ontology的电子政务流程知识语义互操作研究,上海交通大学学报,2006, vol 40(9). 1549-1555.(EI收录号: 064910289513)。

15、童立新, 杨东, 卢春霞,基于扩展WF-net的业务过程资源配置分析和优化,上海交通大学学报, 41(7), .1123-1128, 2007. (EI收录号:073610802285)。

16、Yang Dong, Wen Quan. Modeling workflow using XML and Petri net. Journal of system engineering and electronics.2004, V15(3) : 440-446(EI收录号:EI04518734360)。

17、伍宏伟,杨东,基于TCP-net的医疗服务流程建模与优化,系统仿真学报,2007 19(8): 1657-1699, 2007.

18、Yang Dong, Zhang ShenSheng,An Approach for Workflow Modeling Using pi-calculus,Journal of Zhejiang University (SCIENCE),2003,No.6(EI收录号:EI04108053002)。


20、Yang Dong, Tong Lixin, Ye Yan, Wu Hongwei, An Approach for Analyzing, Extracting and Modeling E-Government Ontology,Journal of Southeast university,2006, 22 (3): 361-364. (EI收录号:065010304704)

21、Ye Yan, Yang Dong. Configuration Knowledge Modeling of Customizable Products Based on Semantic Web Technologies, Journal of Southeast university,2006, 22 (3): 418-422. (EI收录:065010304716).

22、杨东,张申生,傅谦,基于UML OCL的企业组织元模型,高技术通讯,2004,14(6): 60-64。


24、杨东,张申生,王英林,工作流过程建模及模型的形式化验证, 计算机科学,2003第9期。

25、王英林,杨东, 基于粒度分层的布局设计模型, 上海交通大学学报,2000年第7期。

26、Yang Dong, Zhang shensheng, Exchange of part library between CAD systems based on ISO 13584, Proceedings of CAD/CG’99, 1999,12.

27、Yang Dong,Zhang Shen-sheng,He Yuan-jun, BYL-PLIB, a CAD Part Library conforming to IS0 13584, 2002 IEEE international Conference on Industrial Technology, 2002,12。

28、Yang Dong,Zhang Shen-sheng, Modeling Workflow Process Models with Statechart, 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems, Huntsville Alabama, USA, April 7-11, 2003。


1、《ACM Computing Surveys》期刊审稿人,美国计算机协会(ACM)主办学术刊物,SCI杂志(Impact factor: 5.250).

2、《IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering》期刊审稿人,美国电子电器工程协会学术刊物,SCI杂志(Impact factor: 1.929)

3、《Computer-Aided Design》期刊审稿人(SCI杂志),Elsevier学术刊物(Impact factor: 1.446)。

4、《IET software Journal》期刊审稿人(SCI杂志),英国电子电器工程协会刊物(即IEE)(Impact factor: 0.640)

5、《计算机集成制造系统》杂志审稿人, EI检索源刊物;



2007年7月-10月作为访问学者赴澳大利亚墨尔本La Trobe University进行学术交流访问。

联系电话:62373621         EMAIL:[email protected]


