


乔锦丽,博士、教授/博士生导师、学科带头人。毕业于日本国立山口大学大学院理工学研究科物质工学获工学博士学位。后就任日本产业技术综合研究所(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, AIST)研究员。2008年入选上海市浦江人才支持计划,2010年人才引进香港另版挂牌网站环境科学与工程学院。担任国际电化学能源科学院(IAOEES) 副主席兼理事,中国膜工业协会电驱动膜专家委员,上海市欧美协会理事。Green Energy & Environment编委,国际期刊Applied Energy, Electrochim.  ActaInt. J. Hygrogen Energy 特邀编辑(Guest Editor),国际著名学术出版社CRC Press审阅人,清华大学新能源论坛(百人)第22位报告人。

先后承担国家自然科学基金、留学人员归国基金、教育部博士导师基金、上海市教委创新项目、上海市科委国际合作项等14项。以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI收录论文100多篇,重大国际会议报告40多场,邀请报告20多场。申请/授权日本和中国发明专利30多项,受德国Springer-Verlag和美国CRC出版社邀请撰写专著4/8章节。先后组织并担任多次重要国际学术会议和研讨会副主席/组织委员,包括国际可再生清洁能源的电化学材料和技术大会(ICEMTC2013),第五届国际氢能大会(WHTC2013);第64届加拿大国际化学与工程大会(CSChE 2014)新能源研讨会;第227届美国电化学会(227th ECS meeting燃料的电化学合成分会以及国际电化学能源科学与技术大会(EEST2014EEST2015EEST2016)等。美国化学会,美国电化学会,国际电化学会,国际电化学能源科学院,中国化学会等会员。

2010年人才引进香港另版挂牌网站截止目前,带领年轻的硕士研究生团队先后荣获国际/国家级/上海市级共40项大奖,并连续被评为2011/2012/2014年度香港另版挂牌网站先进安全管理示范研究室。连续荣获2013/2014年上海市优秀学硕士生论文导师3篇,2014年上海市育才奖2015年香港另版挂牌网站三八红旗手2015“五四青年标兵集体称号。2016年被香港另版挂牌网站校团委特设为香港另版挂牌网站 “先进电化学能源特色团支部称号。

特别受邀担任英国Newcastle 大学国外博士生导师,同时受邀作担任英国工程和自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC2016-2020五年计划重大国际合作项目Liquid Fuel and bioenergy Supply from CO2 Reduction

研究方向: 电化学、膜材料、电极材料和电极催化剂纳米技术在电化学能源存储与转换包括燃料电池、金属-空气电池、CO2电化学还原、超级电容器以及环境难降解有机废水的电化学处理技术等。


1.Mingjie Wu, Qiaowei Tang, Fang Dong, Zhengyu Bai, Lei Zhang, Jinli Qiao*, Fe/N/S-composited hierarchically porous carbons with optimized surface functionality, composition and nanoarchitecture as electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction, J. Catalysis, 2017, accepted

2.Xuemei i, Nengneng Xu, Haoran Li, Min Wang, Lei Zhang, Jinli Qiao, 3D Hollow Sphere Co3O4/MnO2-CNTs: Its High-performance Bi-functional Cathode Catalysis and Application in Rechargeable Zinc-air Battery, Green Energy & Environment, 2017,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2017.02.004

3.Yun Zheng, Jianchen Wang, Bo Yu, Wenqiang Zhang, Jing Chen, Jinli Qiao*, Jiujun Zhang, A review of high temperature co-electrolysis of H2O and CO2 to produce sustainable fuels using solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs): advanced materials and technology, Chem Soc Rev, 2017, 46, 1427--1463

4.Enguang Zhang, Mingjie Wu, Qiaowei Tang, Qiaojuan Gong, Shuhui Sun, Jinli Qiao* Lei Zhang, Using aminopyrine as a nitrogen-enriched small molecule precursor to synthesize high-performing nitrogen doped mesoporous carbon for catalyzing oxygen reduction reaction, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 669-677

5.Nengneng Xu, Yuyu Liu, Xia Zhang, Xuemei Li, Aijun Li Jinli Qiao*, Jiujun Zhang, Self-assembly formation of Bifunctional Co3O4/MnO2-CNTs hybrid catalysts for achieving both high energy/power density and cyclic ability of rechargeable zinc-air battery, Sci. Rep. 2016, 6:33590

6.Yanan Li, Jinli Qiao*, Xia Zhang, Tai Lei, Abel Girma, Yuyu Liu, Jiujun J. Zhang, Rational Design and Synthesis of SnOx Electrocatalysts with Coralline Structure for Highly Improved Aqueous CO2 Reduction to Formate, ChemElectroChem,2016, 3, 1-12

7.Chengyu Ma, Saisai Jian, Jinli Qiao*, Joey Jung, Facile Synthesis of Ni/Co (Hydr)oxides with Nanosheet

8.Structure for High Performance Supercapacitors, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2016, 11, 10546-10560

9.Mingjie Wu, Jinli Qiao*, Kaixi Li, Xuejun Zhou, Yuyu Liu, Jiujun Zhang, A large-scale synthesis of heteroatom (N and S) co-doped hierarchically porous carbon (HPC) derived from polyquaternium for superior oxygen reduction reactivity, Green Chem. 2016, 18, 2699–2709

10.Mingjie Wu, Qiaowei Tang, Fang Dong, Yongzhen Wang, Donghui Li, Qinping Guo, Yuyu Liu, Jinli Qiao*, The design of Fe, N-doped hierarchically porous carbons as highly active and durable electrocatalysts for a Zn–air battery, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 18665-18669

11.Nengneng Xu, Jinli Qiao*, Xia Zhang, Chengyu Ma, Saiai Jian, Yuyu Liu, Pucheng Pei, Morphology controlled La2O3/Co3O4/MnO2–CNTs hybrid nanocomposites with durable bi-functional air electrode in highperformance zinc–air energy storage, Appl Energy, 2016, 175, 495–504

12.Yishu Fu, Yanan Li, Xia Zhang, Yuyu Liu, Jinli Qiao*, Jiujun Zhang, David P. Wilkinson, Novel hierarchical SnO2 microsphere catalyst coated on gas diffusion electrode for enhancing energy efficiency of CO2 reduction to formate fuel, Appl Energy., 2016,175, 536-544

13.Sheng Tang, Xuejun Zhou, Nengneng Xu, Zhengyu Bai, Jinli Qiao*, Jiujun Zhang, Template-free synthesis of three-dimensional nanoporous N-doped graphene for high performance fuel cell oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media, Appl Energy., 2016, 175, 405-413

14.Mingjie Wu, Enguang Zhang, Qinping Guo, Yongzhen Wang, Jinli Qiao*, Kaixi Li, Pucheng Pei, N/S-Me (Fe, Co, Ni) doped hierarchical porous carbons for fuel cell oxygen reduction reaction with high catalytic activity and long-term stability, Appl Energy, 2016, 175, 468-478

15.Xuejun Zhou, Sheng Tang, Yan Yin, Shuihui Sun, Jinli Qiao*, Hierarchically Porous N-doped Graphene Foams with Superior Oxygen Reduction Reactivity for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells, Appl Energy,2016, 175, 459-467

16.Yishu Fu, Yanan Li, Xia Zhang, Yuyu liu* Xiaodong Zhou, Jinli Qiao*, Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Formic Acid on Crystalline SnO2 Nanocatalyst With High Selectivity and Stability, Chin. J. Catal.2016, 37, 1081–1088

17.Chengyu Ma, Nnengnneg Xu, Jinli Qiao*, Saisai Jian, Jiujun Zhang, Facile synthesis of NiCo2O4 nanosphere-carbon nanotubes hybrid as an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for rechargeable Zneair batteries, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41, 9211-9218

18.Taishan Zhu, Nengneng Xu, Jinli Qiao*, Fengyuan Zhang, Zhongei Chen, Nitrogen and Sulfur co-doped Mesoporous Carbon as Cathode Catalyst for H2/O2 Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cell --- Effect of Catalyst/Bonding Layer Loading, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41, 9159-9166

19.Yishu Fu, Yuyu Liu, Yanan Li, Jing Li, Jinli Qiao*, Jiujun Zhang, Synergistic electrocatalysis of N,N-bis(salicylidene)-ethylenediamine-cobalt(II) and conductive carbon black (BP) for high efficient CO2 electroreduction, J. Solid State Electrochem., 2015, 19, 3355-3363

20.Pan Xu, Wenzhao Chen, Qiang Wang, Tasishan Zhu, Mingjie Wu, Jinli Qiao,* Zhongwei Chen, Jiujun Zhang, Effects of transition metal precursors (Co, Fe, Cu, Mn, Ni) on pyrolyzed carbon supported metalaminopyrine electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 6195-6206

21.Qing Zhang, Taishan Zhu, Xin Qing, Jinli Qiao*, Shuhui Sun, Effect of acid-leaching on carbon-supported copper phthalocyanine tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt (CuTSPc/C) for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline electrolyte: active site studies, RSC Adv.,2015, 5, 50344-50352

22.Zhetian Tao, Litian Yan, Jinli Qiao*, Baolian Wang, Li Zhang, Jiujun Zhang, A review of advanced proton-conducting materials for hydrogen separation, Prog. Mater. Sci., 2015, 74, 1-50

23.Tianchi Zhou, Rong Shao, Song Chen, Xuemei He, Jinli Qiao*, Jiujun Zhang, A review of radiation-grafted polymer electrolyte membranes for alkaline polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, J. Power Sources, 2015, 293, 946-975

24.Xuejun Zhou, Zhengyu Bai, Mingjie Wu, Jinli Qiao*, Zhongwei Chen, 3-Dimensional Porous N-doped Graphene Foam as Non-Precious Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 3343-3350 (ESI highly sited/2015 JMC hot paper)

25.Feifei Song, Yisshu Fu, Yin Gao, Jiadong. Li, Jinli Qiao*, Xiao.-Dong Zhou, Novel Alkaline Anion-exchange Membranes Based on Chitosan/Ethenylmethylimidazoliumchloride Polymer with Ethenylpyrrolidone Composites for Low Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells, Electrochim Acta, 2015,177, 137–144

26.Yin Gao, Feifei Song, Jinli Qiao*, Shuli Chen, Xiaoxiang Zhao, Jiujun Zhang, Imidazolium-Functionalized  Anion  Exchange  Polymer  Electrolytes with  High  Tensile  Strength  and  Stability  for  Alkaline  Membrane  Fuel Cells, Electrochim. Acta,2015, 177, 201-208

27.Wenzhao Chen, Jinjin Shi, Taishan Zhu, Qiang Wang, Jinli Qiao*, Jiujun Zhang, Preparation of Nitrogen and Sulfur dual-doped Mesoporous Carbon for Supercapacitor Electrodes with Long Cycle Stability, Electrochim. Acta, 2015, 177, 327-334

28.Jinli Qiao, Menyang Fan, Yishu Fu, Zhengyu Bai, Chengyu Ma, Yuyu Liu, Xiao.-Dgong Zhou, Highly-active copper oxide/copper electrocatalysts induced from hierarchical copper oxide nanospheres for carbon dioxide reduction reaction, Electrochim. Acta, 2015, 153, 559-565

29.Ja-Yeon Choi, Drew Higgins, Gaopeng Jiang, Ryan Hsu, Jinli Qiao*, Zhongwei Chen, Iron-tetracyanobenzene complex derived non-precious catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction, Electrochim. Acta, 2015, 162, 224-229

30.Zhengyu Bai, Qing Zhang, Jing Lv, Shujun Chao, Lin Yang, Jinli Qiao*, A Facile Preparation of Palladium Catalysts Supported on Hollow Polypyrrole Nanospheres for Ethanol Oxidation, Electrochim. Acta, 2015, 177, 107-112

31.Shujun Chao, Qian Cui, Kui Wang, Zhengyu Bai, Lin Yang, Jinli Qiao* Template-free synthesis of hierarchical yolk-shell Co and N codoped porous carbon microspheres with enhanced performance for oxygen reduction reaction, J. Power Sources, 2015, 288, 128-135

32.Gaopeng Jiang, Jing Zhang, Jinli Qiao*, Yumin Jiang, Hadis Zarrin, Zhongei Chen, Feng. Hong, Bacterial nanocellulose/Nafion composite membranes for low temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells, J. Power Sources, 2015, 273, 697-706

33.Jinli Qiao, Yuyu Liu, Feng Hong, Jiujun Zhang, A review of catalysts for the electroreduction of carbon dioxide to produce low-carbon fuels, Chem. Soc. Rev, 2014, 43, 631-675 ( ESI highly sited/hot paper)

34.Xuejun Zhou, Lin Yang, Jinli Qiao*, Jiujun Zhang, A review of nanostructured graphene-based materials as catalyst supports and metal-free catalysts in the PEM fuel cell oxygen reduction reaction, Adv. Energy Mater., 2014, 1, 1-25  (2016 ESI highly sited paper)

35.Xuejun Zhou, Pa Xu, Li Xu, Zhengyu Bai, Zhongwei Chen, Jinli Qiao*, Jiujun Zhang, N,N’-Bis(salicylidene)ethylenediamine as a nitrogen-rich precursor to synthesize electrocatalysts with high methanol-tolerance for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell oxygen reduction reaction, J. Power Sources, 2014, 260, 349-356

36.Jingjing Shi, Xuejun Zhou, Pa Xu, Jinli Qiao*, Zhongwei Chen, Yuyu Liu, Nitrogen and Sulfur Co-doped Mesoporous Carbon Materials as Highly Efficient Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Electrochim Acta, 2014, 145, 259-269

37.Jingjing Shi, Mengyang Fan, Jinli Qiao*, Yuyu Liu, Nitrogen and Chlorine Dual-doped Mesoporous Carbon as Efficient Nonprecious Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction Both in Alkaline and Acidic Electrolytes, Chem. Lett. 2014, 43, 1484-1486

38.Xin Qing, Jingjing Shi, Chengyu Ma, Mengyang Fan, Zhengyu Bai, Zhongwei Chen, Jinli Qiao*, Jiujun Zhang, Simultaneous formation of nitrogen and sulfur-doped transition metal catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction through pyrolyzing carbonsupported copper phthalocyanine tetrasulfonic acid tetrasodium salt, J. Power Sources, 2014, 266, 88-98

39.Mengyang Fan, Zhengyu Bai, Qing Zhang, Chengyu Ma, Xiao.-Dong. Zhou, Jinli Qiao*, Aqueous CO2 reduction on morphology controlled CuxO nanocatalysts at low overpotential, RSC Adv.,2014, 4, 44583-44591.

40.Jinli Qiao*, Ping Jiang, Jianshe Liu, Jiujun Zhang,Formation of Cu nanostructured electrode surfaces by an annealing–electroreduction procedure to achieve high-efficiency CO2 electroreduction, Electrochem. Commun. 2014, 38, 8-11

41.Yan-Jie Wang, Jinli Qiao*, Ryan Baker, Jiujun Zhang, Alkaline Polymer Electrolyte Membranes for Fuel Cell Applications, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2013, 42, 5768-5787  (ESI highly sited paper)

42.Jing Zhang, Jinli Qiao*, Tianchi Zhou, Ying Gao, Jian Zhang, Jiawei ShengHydroxyl anion conducting membranes poly(vinyl alcohol)/ poly(diallyldimethylammouium chloride) (PVA/PDDA) for alkaline fuel cell applications: Effect of molecular weight of PDDAElectrochim Acta, 2013, 111, 351-358

43.Jing Zhang, Jinli Qiao*, Lingling Liu, Gaopeng Jiang,Yuyu Liu, Cross-linked poly(vinyl alcohol)/ploy(diallyldimethylammouium cholride) for anion exchange membrane fuel cell applications, J. Power Sources, 2013, 240, 359-367

44.Jinli Qiao*, Jing Zhang, Jiujun Zhang, Anion conducting PVA/PDDA membranes with high durable alkaline stability for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, J. Power Sources, 2013, 237, 1-4

45.Jinli Qiao*, Li Xu, Yuyu Liu, Pan Xu, Jingjing Shi, Shiyao Liu, Binglun Tian, Carbon-supported Co-pyridine as non-platinum cathode catalyst for alkaline membrane fuel cells, Electrochim. Acta, 2013, 96, 298-305

46.Xianfeng Dai, Jinli Qiao*, Jingjing Shi, Pan Xu, Lei Zhang, Jiujiun Zhang, Effects of heat-treatment and pyridine addition on the catalytic activity of carbon-supported cobalt-phthalocyanine for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline electrolyte, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2013, 8, 3160-3175

47.Jinli Qiao*, Li Xu, Lei Ding, Penghui Chi, Lei Zhang, Jiujun Zhang, Effect of alkaline concentration on oxygen reduction kinetics catalyzed by heat-treated Co-pyridine/C electrocatalyst, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 2013, 8, 1189-1208

48.Tianchi Zhou, Jing Zhang, Jian Zhang, Lingling Liu, Penggao Jiang, Jinli Qiao*, High Durable poly(vinyl alcohol)/quaterized hydroxyethylcellulose ethoxylate anion exchange membranes for direct methanol alkaline fuel cells, J. Power Sources, 2013, 227, 291-299

49.Tianchi Zhou, Jing Zhang, Jingfu, Gaopeng Jiang, Jian Zhang, Jinli Qiao*,Poly(ethylene glycol) plasticized poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(acrylamide-co-diallyldimethylammonium chloride) as alkaline anion-exchange membrane for potential fuel cell applications, Synthetic Metals, 2013, 167, 43-50

50.Lei Ding, Qing Xin, Xianfeng Dai,Jian Zhang, Jinli Qiao*, Evaluation of carbon-supported copper phthalocyanine (CuPc/C) as a cathode catalyst for fuel cells using Nafionas an electrolyte, Ionics, 2013,19,1415–1422

51.Lei Ding, Qing Xin, Xuejun Zhou, Jinli Qiao*, Hui Li, Haijang Wang, Electrochemical behavior of nanostructured nickel phthalocyanine (NiPc/C) for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media, J. Appl. Electrochem., 2013, 43, 43-51

52.Lei Ding, Jinli Qiao*, Xianfeng Dai, Jiujiun Zhang, Binglun Tian, Highly catalytic electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction from carbon-supported copper phthalocyanine (CuPc/C) synthesized by high temperature treatment, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 7, 14103-14113  (2016 ESI highly sited paper)

53.Lei Ding, Xianfeng Dai, Rui Lin, Haijiang Wang, Jinli Qiao* Electrochemical performance of carbon-supported Co-phthalocyanine modified with co-added metals (M = Fe, Co, Ni, V) for oxygen reduction reaction, J. Electrochem. Soc. 2012, 159, F577-F584

54.Jinli Qiao*, Li Xu, Lei Ding, Lei Zhang Ryan Baker, Xianfeng Dai, Jiujun Zhang, Using pyridine as Nitrogen-rich precursor to synthesize Co-N-S/C non-noble metal electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction, App. Catal. B: Environ., 2012, 125, 197-205


1.乔锦丽,周学俊,张霞,李雪梅,李浩然,一种三维多孔杂原子掺杂石墨烯的制备方法和应用, 公告号:CN 104475172 B;授权公告日:2017.01.25

2.乔锦丽,范梦阳,张霞,敖蓓,一种二氧化碳电化学还原催化剂及其制备和应用,公告号:CN 103715436 B;授权公告日:2017.01.18

3.乔锦丽徐攀赛赛等,一种燃料电池催化剂及其制备和应用,授权公告号:CN 103566960 B。授权公告日:2016.06.08

4.乔锦丽,周学俊丽,钟晓胜等,掺杂石墨催化及其制方法及,公告号CN 103611555 B授权公告日:2016.02.17  2017-01-25

5.乔锦丽,周学俊赛赛,,陈丽等, 掺杂石墨燃料池催化的制, 公告号CN 103599805 B;授权公告日:2016.03.30

6.乔锦丽,石晶晶,武明杰,唐,周学俊无金属掺杂氮功能化介孔碳催化及其制, 授权公告号:103566961 B;授权公告日:2016.02.17

7.乔锦丽, 卿昕石晶晶文照宋菲菲,碳负载四磺酸基铜酞菁四钠盐燃料池催化及其制, 授权公告号:CN 103586063 B授权公告日:2016.01.06

8.乔锦丽, 戴先逢徐莉钱艺玮,丁蕾卿昕氮修钴酞菁催化及其制方法和授权公告号:CN 102489328 B;授权公告日:2016.01.06

9.乔锦丽,宋菲菲颖,米管掺杂型碱性离子交换复合膜及其制方法和, 授权公告号:CN 103521276 B;授权公告日:2016.01.20

10.乔锦丽,范梦阳,姜萍,马承愚,付奕舒,二氧化碳电化学还原催化剂及其制备和应用, 授权公告号:CN 103566934 B授权公告日:2015.08.12

11.乔锦丽, 丁蕾, 戴先, 负载铜酞菁燃料池催化CuPc/C 及制, 公告号 CN 102569831 B公告日2015.10.282015,

12.乔锦丽, 丁蕾, 一种无金属掺杂氮功能化碳催化剂及其制备方法和应用, 授权公告号:CN 103566934 B;授权公告日:2015.08.12

13.乔锦丽,柳建设, 燃料电池用复合交联型碱性聚合物膜、制备方法和应用, 授权公告号CN 101853947 B;授权公告日2012.11.07


1.Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide: Fundamentals and TechnologiesEdited byJinli Qiao, Yuyu Liu, Jiujun Zhang, June 15, 2016 by Taylor &Francis group, LLC  CRC press 408 Pages - 163 B/W Illustrations, ISBN 9781482258240 - CAT# K24128 (Series: Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion)

2.Electrolytes for Electrochemical SupercapacitorsEdited byCheng Zhong, Yida Deng, Wenbin Hu, Daoming Sun, Jinli Qiao, Jiujun Zhang, Xiaopeng Han, May 27, 20162016 by Taylor &Francis group, LLC  CRC press 400 Pages - 36 Color & 176 B/W Illustrations, ISBN 9781498747554 - CAT# K27050(Series: Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion)

3.Electrochemical Polymer Electrolyte MembranesEdited by Jianhua Fang, Jinli Qiao, David P. Wilkinson, Jiujun Zhang, April 14, 2015 by 2016 by Taylor &Francis group, LLC  CRC press - 651 Pages - 336 B/W Illustrations, ISBN 9781466581463 - CAT# K18875(Series: Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion)

4.Graphene: Theory, Synthesis, and Energy ApplicationsCahpter 7: “Applications of graphene in fuel cells”, authored by Xuejun Zhou, Jinli Qiao, November 24, 2014 by Taylor &Francis group, LLC  CRC press - 318 Pages - 121 B/W Illustrations ISBN 9781482203752 - CAT# K21332 (Series: Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion)













12.教育部留学人员归国基金编号:20091001), 2008-2009


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