
范宏 教授



范宏,19717月出生,信息管理与信息系统专业教授。在《Physical Review E》、《Advances in Complex Systems》、《International Journal of Modern Physics B》等SCI国际杂志上发表过学术论文。累计发表学术论文近20篇,其中以第一作者身份发表论文13篇。SCIEI累计收录论文16篇。其中,SCI收录7篇,EI核心收录9篇。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目二项,参与多项国家自然科学基金和省部级科研项目。





(2)2010.1-2012.12 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目《具有社团结构的复杂网络系统波动行为研究》,结题。



(5)2010.1-2011.12 主持香港另版挂牌网站校青年基金《全球化经济系统波动研究》,结题。

(6)2011.1-2012.12 主持中央财政项目《全球化市场中消费者的消费行为研究》,结题。




(1)H. Fan, Z. Wang, T. Ohnishi, H. Saito, and K. Aihara, Multicommunity weight-driven bipartite network model, Physical Review E 78, 026103 (2008).(SCI)

(2)H. Fan, Z. Wang, L. Chen, and K. Aihara, Feedback mechanism in network dynamics with preferential flow, Physical Review E 79, 026107 (2009). (SCI)

(3)H. Fan and Z. Wang, On the degree distribution of a bipartite network with rewiring dynamics, International Journal of Modern Physics B 25, 371-385,(2011). (SCI)

(4)Z. Wang, H. Fan, K. Aihara, Three synaptic components contributing to robust network synchronization, Physical Review E 83,051905(2011). (SCI)

(5)H. Fan, Distribution of Producer Size in Globalized Market, Advances in Complex Systems 15, 1250076 (2012). (SCI)

(6)Z. Wang, H. Fan, F. Han, A new regime for highly robust gamma oscillation with co-exist of accurate and weak synchronization in excitatory–inhibitory networks, Cognitive Neurodynamics, 8(4):335-344 (2014). (SCI)

(7)H. Fan, Calculation of system risk in a dynamical bank network system, Acta Physica Sinica, 63 (3), 038902(2014). (SCI)

(8)H. Fan and J. Li, Stability of a dynamical bank network based on different investment behaviors, Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 11(4): 72-79(2014).(EI)

(9)H. Fan, Hidden Feedback Mechanism in a Multi-Regional Economic Network Model, ICIC Express Letters,2014,8(9), 2423_2430. (EI)

(10)L. Wang, H. Fan, Study about Risk Evaluation for Enterprise' Technology Innovation Based-On Grey Hierarchy Method, The International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Science(Mass 2009),2009 Beijing, China. (EI)

(11)L. Wang, H. Fan, A Theoretical Model for Enterprises' Innovation Capability AssessingManagement and Service Science (MASS), 2010 International Conference, 2010 Wuhan, China. (EI)

(12)H. Fan, Fluctuation in a multi-regional economic network model with community structure, International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2010) May, 2010 Guangzhou, China.(EI)

(13)H. Fan, Fluctuation in a multi-region economic network, The Third International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2010) May, 2010 HuangShan Mountain, China.(EI)

(14)H. Fan, The degree distribution of a multi-community bipartite network with both growing and rewiring dynamics, The Fourth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2011) April, 2011 Kunming, China.(EI)

(15)H. Fan, Analysis of the degree distribution of a multi-community consumer-producer network with both growing and rewiring dynamics, International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE2011) May, 2011 Shanghai, China. (EI)

(16)Jiayue Xu, H. Fan, An Algorithm for Spread Arbitrage Process in the CSI-300 Futures Market, CITCS2012. (EI)

(17)H. Fan, Z. Wang and K. Aihara, Hidden feedback mechanism in multi-regional economic network, Mathematical Engineering Technical Reports 60, 1-11(2007).

(18)吕晓丹,范宏,基于决策树的信用评价模型及实证研究,市场周刊(理论研究)2013 08期,PP:80-83.


(20)范宏, 复杂银行网络仿真系统的研究与设计,计算机仿真,2014314),PP:277-280.(CSCD)


(22)杨骅,范宏,银行资产检测中的系统性风险问题仿真,计算机仿真,2014,3110),PP 241-245CSCD


国际杂志《Economic modeling》、《Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation》等杂志的审稿人






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