



1. 锂离子正极、负极纳米复合材料的研发,尤其是大功率充放电的应用;

2. 一维、二维纳米碳材料的应用;

3. 柔性电极,太阳能电池,发光二极管(LED),电致变色(智能窗户)。




1. 刘俊明,刘治国,吴状春,1999年国家教育部科技进步二等奖,获奖项目:共晶凝固动力学及相关问题的研究

2. 刘治国,刘俊明,陈晓原,吴状春,祝世宁,朱永元,胡卫生,2000年江苏省科技进步二等奖,获奖项目:铁电薄膜新效应及脉冲激光淀积制膜新技术的研究

3. 2014年度江苏省创新创业人才

4. 2013年度江苏省创新创业团队核心成员


1. 973子课题:《宽禁带半导体纳米材料的LAL电子结构调控与紫外光电性质研究》





1. Zhuangchun Wu, Zhihong Chen, Xu Du, Jonathan M. Logan, Jennifer Sippel, Maria Nikolou, KatalinKamaras, John R. Reynolds, David B. Tanner, Arthur F. Hebard, Andrew G. Rinzler, (2004) Transparent, conductive carbon nanotube films, Science,305, 1273-1276 (1270 citations as of Jan, 2013)

2. Chunmei Ban, Zhuangchun Wu, Dane T. Gillaspie, Le Chen, Yanfa Yan, Jeffrey L. Blackburn, Anne C. Dillon, (2010) Nanostructured Fe3O4-SWNT Electrodes: Binder-free and High-rate Li-ion Anode, Advanced Materials 22, E145-E149 (Featured as the cover of Advanced Energy Material, May 20, 2010)

3. Chunmei Ban, Zheng Li, Zhuangchun Wu, Melanie J. Kirkham, Le Chen, YoonSeok Jung, E. Andrew Payzant, Yanfa Yan, M. Stanley Whittingham, Anne C. Dillon, (2011) Extremely Durable High-Rate Capability of a LiNi0.4Mn0.4Co0.2O2 Cathode Enabled by Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes, Advanced Energy Materials 1, 58-62

4. K. Lee, ZhuangchunWu,Zhihong Chen, Fan Ren, S. J. Pearton, Andrew G. Rinzler, (2004) Single wall carbon nanotubes for p-type Ohmic contacts to GaN light-emitting diodes, Nano Letters,4, 911-914 (featured as Editorial choices onSciencemagazine, May 7, 2004)

5. Xifeng Ding, , Wenliang Zhu, GuixiangHua, Jianfei Li, Zhuangchun Wu , Enhanced oxygen reduction activity on surface-decorated perovskite La0.6Ni0.4FeO3 cathode for solid oxide fuel cells, ElectrochimicaActa, (2015) 163, 204–212

6. Zhaoping Li, Yiping Wang, QueruiHu,Ying Yang, Zhuangchun Wu, and Chunmei Ban, Improved Electrochemical Performance of Carbon-Coated LiFeBO3 Nanoparticles for Lithium Ion Batteries, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15, 7186-7190 (2015)

7. Guodong Tang, Wenchao Yang, Jianfeng Wen, Zhuangchun Wu, Cang Fan, Zhihe Wang, Ultralow thermal conductivity and thermoelectric properties of carbon nanotubes doped Ca3Co4O9+δ, Ceramics International, 2015, 41, 1, 961-965

8. Zheng Li, Chunmei Ban, Natasha A. Chernova, Zhuangchun Wu, ShaileshUpreti, Anne Dillon, , M. Stanley Whittingham, Towards understanding the rate capability of layered transition metal oxides LiNiyMnyCo1−2yO2, Journal of Power Sources, (2014), 268,106–112

9. Lei Wang, Fude Liu, Wentao Wang, Guandong Yang, DaweiZheng, Zhuangchun Wu and   Michael K. H. Leung, A high-capacity dual-electrolyte aluminum/air electrochemical cell, RSC Adv., 2014,4, 30857-30863

10. H. Wang, Z. Wu, A. Plaseied, P.E. Jenkins, L. Simpson, C. Engtrakul, and Z.Ren, (2011) Carbon nanotube modified air-cathodes for electricityproduction in microbial fuel cells, J. Power Sources, 196, 7465-7469


1. Chunmei Ban, Zhuangchun Wu, Anne Dillon, Method of fabricating electrodes including high-capacity, binder-free anodes for lithium ion batteries, Approved, US 20130065130 A1 Issued date: Mar 14, 2013

2. Andrew G. Rinzler, Zhuangchun Wu, Bo Liu, Short channel vertical FETs, Approved, Patent #:US8217386, Issue date: Jul. 10, 2012

3. Andrew G. Rinzler, Zhuangchun Wu, Low temperature methods for forming patterned electrically conductive thin films, US Patent #: 7,572,743, issued date: August 11, 2009

4. Andrew G. Rinzler, Lonnie O. Ingram, KeelnathamTShanmugam, Jonathan C Moore, Zhuangchun Wu, Enhanced electrical contact to microbes in microbial fuel cells, US Patent 8,124,259issued date: Feb. 28, 2012



1. ZhuangchunWu,Single Wall Carbon Nanotube applications in Lithium Ion Battery, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, December 17, 2010

2. ZhuangchunWu,Brief introduction about National Renewable Energy Lab and Binder-free Lithium Ion Battery, Nanjing University, China, December 27, 2010

3. Zhuangchun Wu, Fast Charging/Discharging cathode and anode enabled with carbon nanotube, SUNY Bufflo, December 16, 2013, invited talk

4. Zhuangchun WuSingle wall carbon nanotube enabled fast charging/discharging lithium ion battery anode and cathode (IUMRS -ICAM2013)Sept. 22-28, 2013, Qingdao, China, Invited talk, Chair for Energy Storage Session

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