

李庆颖,19861月出生,管理科学与工程系教授,博士生导师;先后于上海交通大学获得理学学士、理学硕士学位,于香港理工大学获得哲学博士(运营管理)学位。目前主要从事服务运营、行为运营等方面的教学与研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金项目青年项目、面上项目,主持一项上海市教委本科重点课程建设,获得一项纺织工业联合会教育成果奖。在UTD-24期刊Production and Operations Management,International Journal of Production ResearchInternational Journal of Production EconomicsOperations Research Letters等运营管理相关国际权威刊物上发表论文十余篇。











1Li, Q., P. Guo*, Y. Wang. 2020. Equilibrium analysis of unobservable M/M/n priority queues with balking and homogeneous customers. Operations Research Letters 48(5), 674-681.

2Li, Q*., X. Guan, T., Shi, W. Jiao. 2020. Green Product Design with Competition and Fairness Concerns in the Circular Economy Era. International Journal of Production Research 58(1), 165-179.

3Li, Q*., H. Ding, T. Shi, Y. Tang. 2020. To share or not to share: the optimal advertising effort with asymmetric advertising effectiveness. Annals of Operations Research, forthcoming.

4Li, Q., J., Zhou*. 2019. A Horizontal Capacity Reservation Game Under Asymmetric Information. International Journal of Production Research 57(4), 1103-1118.

5Li, Q.* 2018. The optimal multi-period modular design with fairness concerns. International Journal of Production Economics 206, 233-249.

6Li, Q., P. Guo*, C.-L. Li, J.-S. Song. 2016. Equilibrium Joining Strategies and Optimal Control of a Make-to-Stock Queue. Production and Operations Management 25(9) 1513-1527.

7Li, X., Q.* Li, P. Guo. 2020. Time-Based or Fixed-Fee? How to Penalize Cancellation of Orders of Car-Hailing Applications. International Journal of Production Economics, forthcoming.

8Shen, B., C. Zhu, Q. Li*, X. Wang. 2020. Green technology adoption in textiles and apparel supply chains with environmental taxes. International Journal of Production Research, forthcoming.

9Shen, B., Y. Deng, X. Wang, Q. Li*. 2020. Overstated product sustainability: real cases and a game-theoretical analysis. Annals of Operations Research 291, 779-797.

10Li, X., Q. Li*, P. Guo, Z. Lian. 2017. On the uniqueness and stability of equilibrium in quality-speed competition with boundedly-rational customers: The case with general reward function and multiple servers. International Journal of Production Economics193, 726-736.

11Shen, B., Q. Li*. 2017. Market disruptions in supply chains: a review of operational models. International Transactions in Operational Research 24(4), 697-711.

12Guo, P., Q. Li*. 2013. Strategic behavior and social optimization in partially-observable Markovian vacation queues. Operations Research Letters 41, 277 - 284.

13Shen, B., Q. Li*, C. Dong, Vincent Quan. 2016. Design outsourcing in the fashion supply chain: OEM vs. ODM. Journal of the Operational Research Society 67(2), 259-268.

14Li, C.-L.*, Q. Li. 2016. Polynomial-time solvability of dynamic lot size problems. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research 33(3), 1650018.

15Li, C.-L.*, Q. Li. 2016. Scheduling jobs with release dates, equal processing times, and inclusive processing set restrictions. Journal of the Operational Research Society 66(8), 516 - 523.



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