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  • 2014-现在香港另版挂牌网站,民用航空复合材料协同创新中心,特聘教授

  • 2005-2014美国Cytec公司,高级研究员,高工

  • 2002-2005美国Avery Dennison公司聚合物部,高级研究员

  • 2001-2002美国Park航太公司研究部,高级研究员

  • 1995-2001美国HB Fuller公司高分子研发部,高级化学师

  • 1993-1995美国里海大学(Lehigh University),表面化学研究所,博士后研究员

  • 1990-1993加拿大滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo),化学工程,博士

  • 1987-1990四川大学,高分子材料科学与工程系,讲师

  • 1984-1987四川大学,高分子材料科学与工程,硕士

  • 1980-1984四川大学,高分子材料科学与工程,学士



  • 航空航天概论



  • 1. 先进复合材料基体树脂体系及其功能性优化

  • 2. 热固性树脂增韧及增韧机理

  • 3. 环氧树脂阻燃及固化反应

  • 4. 先进复合材料界面及界面域

  • 5. 先进复合材料树脂及预浸料制造工程



  • [1] Qidi Zhu, Yi Wei, Qiuran Jiang, Yiping Qiu, Wanshuang Liu, Recycle carbon fiber reinforced polyimine resin composites, Sampe Journal, 2019, 55, 20-28.

  • [2] Bo Yang, Yanyun Mao, Yihui Zhang, Liying Zhang, Yi Wei, Yiping Qiu, Wanshuang Liu, A novel liquid imidazole-copper (II) complex as a thermal latent curing agent for epoxy resins, Polymer, 2019, 178, 121586.

  • [3] Qiaole Hu, Hafeezullah Memon, Yiping Qiu* and Yi Wei*, The Failure Mechanism of Composite Stiffener Components Reinforced with 3D Woven Fabrics, Materials 2019, 12, 2221.

  • [4] Qiaole Hu, Yihui Zhang, Yanyun Mao, Hafeezullah Memon, Yiping Qiu, Yi Wei, Wanshuang Liu, A comparative study on interlaminar properties of L-shaped two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) woven composites, Applied Composite Materials, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s10443-018-9745-6.

  • [5] Min Guo, Panpan Liu, Bingxue Huang, Yiping Qiu, Yi Wei, Ying Ma*, Hierarchical assembly of silver and gold nanoparticles in two-dimension: Toward fluorescence enhanced detection platforms, Applied Surface Science, Volume 476, 2019, 1072-1078.

  • [6] Bo Yang, Yanyun Mao, Yihui Zhang, Yi Wei, Wanshuang Liu, Yiping Qiu, Fast-Curing Halogen-Free Flame-Retardant Epoxy Resins and Their Application in Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites, Textile Research Journal, 2018, doi: org/10.1177/ 0040517518819845

  • [7] Yi Wei, Xiaoyu Hu, Qiuran Jiang, Zeyu Sun, Pengfei Wang, Yiping Qiu, Wanshuang Liu*, Influence of graphene oxide with different oxidation levels on the properties of epoxy composites, Composites Science and Technology, 2018, 161: 74-84.

  • [8] Sean Bowman, Qiuran Jiang, Hafeezullah Memon, Yiping Qiu, Wanshuang Liu, Yi Wei, Effects of styrene-acrylic sizing on the mechanical properties of carbon fiber thermoplastic towpregs and their composites., Molecules, 2018, 23: 547.

  • [9] Wang Yiru, Wanshuang Liu,Yiping Qiu, Yi Wei, A one-component, fast-cure and economical epoxy resin system suitable for liquid molding of automotive composite parts, Materials, 2018, 11: 685.

  • [10] Sean Bowman, Xiaoyu Hu, Qiuran Jiang, Yiping Qiu, Wanshuang Liu, Yi Wei, Effects of graphene-oxide-modified coating on the properties of carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene composites, Coating, 2018, 8: 149.

  • [11] 胡小雨,蒋秋冉,魏毅,刘万双*,碳纤维-氧化石墨烯改性环氧树脂复合材料,复合材料学报, 2018, 35: 1691-1699.  

  • [12] Wanshuang Liu, Yiru Wang, Pengfei Wang, Yan Li, Qiuran Jiang, Xiaoyu Hu, Yi Wei, Yiping Qiu, Seyed Ismail Seyed Shahabadi, Xuehong Lu*, A biomimetic approach to improve the dispersibility, interfacial interactions and toughening effects of carbon nanofibers in epoxy composites, Composites Part B-Engineering, 2017, 113: 197-205.  

  • [13] Wanshuang Liu, Yimin Yao, Ouli Fu, Sihan Jiang, Yucheng Fang, Yi Wei, Xuehong Lu, Lignin-derived carbon nanosheets for high-capacitance supercapacitors RSC Advances, 2017, 77, 48537-48543.  

  • [14] 高雄,胡侨乐,马颜雪,张琦,魏毅,邱夷平,不同结构厚截面三维机织碳纤维复合材料的弯曲性能对比,纺织学报, 2017, 38(9):66-71.

  • [15] 刘万双,魏毅,余木火,汽车轻量化用碳纤维复合材料国内外应用现状,纺织导报, 2016, 5, 4-52.

  • [16] Yi Wei and R.Y.M. Huang, Pervaporation with latex membranes: A study of membrane and pervaporation effects, Separation Sci. and Tech., 1995, 30(5) 697-717.

  • [17] Yi Wei and R.Y.M. Huang, Effect of film aging on the pervaporation properties of latex membranes, Separation Sci. and Tech., 1995, 30(6), 981-992.

  • [18] R.Y.M. Huang and Yi Wei, Pervaporation with latex membranes. II. Pervaporation properties and aging effect, J. Membrane Sci., 1994, 87, 257.

  • [19] R.Y.M. Huang and Yi Wei, Pervaporation properties of ionically crosslinked latex membranes, J. of Appl. Polym. Sci., 1994, 53, 179.

  • [20] R.Y.M. Huang and Yi Wei, Pervaporation with latex membranes. III. Sorption and Pervaporation properties: a comparison between latex and solvent cast membranes, J. Membrane Sci., 1994, 89, 9.

  • [21] Yi Wei and R.Y.M. Huang, Selective sorption of latex membranes, Separation Sci. and Tech., 1994, 29(3), 301.

  • [22] R.Y.M. Huang and Yi Wei, Modelling of pervaporation with latex membranes, Separation Sci. and Tech., 1994, 29(9), 1193.

  • [23] Yi Wei and R.Y.M. Huang, Pervaporation with latex membranes. I. Latex membrane preparation and characterization, J. Membrane Sci., 1993, 82, 27.



  • (1) 高性能阻燃材料用于复合材料功能性评价

  • (2) 复合材料树脂及预浸料系列的开发

  • (3) 轨道交通车辆内饰三明治结构评价

  • (4) 生物基可回收型环氧树脂的制备及性能

  • (5) HSF碳纤维及复合材料应用评价及开发

  • (6) 废旧聚苯硫醚过滤材料增强复合材料的开发

  • (7) 生物基可回收型环氧树脂的结构设计及性能

  • (8) 船舶复合材料用无卤阻燃型环氧树脂基体开发

  • (9) 通用飞机筒形复合材料夹层结构机身设计技术研究

  • (10) "复兴号"高铁复材塞拉门设计及制造工艺技术开发

  • (11) 高温超导磁悬浮列车复合材料车身设计及制造



  • * 上海产学合作教育成果二等奖

  • * 中国纺织工业联合会教学成果一等奖

  • * 国家科技进步三等奖


